August 19th 2019                      

By Cheruiyot Korir

The Principal Secretary for Information Communication and Technology (ICT), Mr Jerome Ochien’g has said, sporting activities are important building blocks in promoting a spirit of nationhood among players.

Mr Jerome said by working together during the competition, sports enable athletes to work as teams regardless of origin or social status in the society, a situation he noted helps in fighting nepotism and tribalism in the society.

Speaking at the Gusii stadium during the official closing of the Kenya Communication Sports Organization (KECOSO), Mr. Ochieng said sporting activities also enables players to express themselves in various ways and enables public employees to identify their talents.

KECOSO games is annual event that brings together Ministries of ICT, Transport, Infrastructure, Housing and Urban Development and Sports to compete in various categories. They are held on rotational basis across the Counties.

During the 40th KECOSO competitions, the Ministry was represented by six teams made up of Postal Corporation of Kenya , Media Council of Kenya , Kenya Broadcasting Communication , Communication authority of Kenya, Kenya Film Classification Board and a team from the Ministry headquarters.

The Ministry of ICT is three representatives in the KECOSO governing Council and two representatives in the Organizing Committee.