A team of Uganda Members of Parliament have lauded Kenya’s advancement in the Information, Communication Technology and observed that their country had a lot to learn from Kenya.

The Uganda Parliamentary Committee on ICT are on a visit in Kenya to bench on the Konza Smart City, the Huduma services and the Digital Migration Management.

The leader of the Chairperson of the Commiuttee Ms Turyahikayo Mary Paula said with the spirit of the East Africa integration, Uganda would benefit from learning experiences in the field of ICT innovations in Kenya that can be used to improve service delivery in the nneighboringcountry.

Ms Turyahikayo said Uganda was grateful for the high level bilateral Co-operation between the two countries that led to joint undertakings in the Northern Corridor Infrastructure Projects that have led to the implementation of the One Area Network.

She added that the cordial relations between the two countries also led to Kenya’s support for the election of Uganda’s nominee Patrick Masambu as Secretary General for the Turkey based Universal Postal Union.

The parliamentarians appreciated the introduction of Digital Literacy Programs in public Primary schools in the country. They observed that there was need to conduct studies to establish possible negative social effectives for quick intervention.

While briefing the team, the Director of Information, Communication and Technology Mr. John Sergon said the government was committed to providing its service to citizens through on-line platform for effectiveness and efficiency.

Mr Sergon said experience has also demonstrated that deployment of ICT improved transparency and accountability in the society.

November 10th 2016
By Cheruiyot Korir