Hon. Senator Dr. Gideon Moi, the Pro-Chancellor of Kabarak University

Governor Prof. John Lonyangapuo, Chairman of Kabarak University Council

Members of the University Board of Trustees

Members of the University Council

Prof. Henry K. Kiplangat, Vice Chancellor of Kabarak University

Vice Chancellors from other Universities,

Representatives of various universities and organizations,

All Members of Staff of Kabarak University,

Alumni of Kabarak University,

Parents, Sponsors, and Guardians,


Distinguished Guests,

Ladies and Gentlemen.

  1. It gives me great pleasure to join the graduands and the entire Kabarak community during this 14th Graduation Ceremony.
  2. I thank God for enabling us all to assemble here today to witness this colourful event. 
  3. I am alsograteful to the University for inviting me to grace this occasion as we award varied credentials to over 700 graduands.

Ladies and Gentlemen

  •  Let me first take this opportunity to applaud the university for their efforts in molding these young talents in readiness for nation building.
  • To the graduands, I congratulate you for your determination, resilience and hardwork in pursuit of your desired careers and professions.
  • As parents, relatives and friends we are here to celebrate you and to share thejoy in your success. As graduands from diverse disciplines, you are critical in driving Kenya’s development agenda as spelt out in Kenyas Vision 2030 and theBig 4 Agenda. You can also use your acquired skills and knowledge towards fulfilling the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
  • The Pro-Chancellor – my good friend Senator Gideon Moi, I note that today you will confer degrees and award diplomas and certificates in various disciplines,including business, economics, law, education, computer science, information technology, environmental science, environmental health, nursing, clinicalmedicine, and music. All these disciplines are critical and indispensable in meeting the human capital needs in all sectors of our national economy. 
  • I am glad to note that Kabarak University has equipped the graduands with the relevant skills, competencies, and attitude that are desirable for the workplace.
  • These elements will provide them with the competitive edge required for the knowledge-basedeconomy that Kenya aspires to be. Today, both the public and private sectors value practice-oriented and knowledgeable professionals who are driven bypassion for innovation, creativity and integrity.
  • The Government values high quality education, such as the one offered in this institution. Indeed, the Chancellor of this great University, His Excellency Daniel Toroitich Arap Moi, the Second President of the Republic of Kenya, is a true patriot and educator par excellence.
  • He gave his very best to this generation and generations to come. His contribution tothe education sector in our country is an eternal gift to this nation.
  • I note that Kabarak University’s mission is to provide holistic quality educationbased on research, practical skills, and Biblical Christian values.
  • The comprehensive training and education offered in a Biblical perspective isimpressive as it will impart the much-needed values, morals and virtues totomorrow’s leaders, especially in this age where social media and fake newsfuel propaganda and other polarising messages.

Ladies and Gentlemen

  1. The Government recognizes the critical contribution of the Public-Private Partnerships in fostering socio-economic development. I am glad to learn that Kabarak University is engaging the industry players and partners to address some of the challenges facing our institutions such as inadequate infrastructure and other resource developments.
  2. The Government is committed to assisting universities in all their efforts inorder to continue providing access, equity, quality and relevant university education.
  3. As a Government, we want to see Kenya become a globally competitive knowledge-based economy, and as such, we have taken major steps to enhance our attractiveness to investors.
  4. Today, it is impossible to isolate ICT from anything that we do, it is everywhere – in our day to day lives and even in areas that traditionally did not involve ICT such as Agriculture.  
  5. We are also cognizant of the fact that globally, youth unemployment has been rising steadily over the years. Kenya’s unemployment rate as of 2017 was estimated at 26.2% and ranked as one of the highest in the world.
  6. At the Ministry, we are leveraging on ICT as an enabler to the new frontier for the global digital job opportunities. The Ajira DigitalProgramme under my Ministry is intended to look into the employment needsof our youthful population.
  7. It is envisioned to provide a minimum wage for over 1 million currently unemployed and underemployed persons. Our efforts are aimed atpromoting new, more flexible forms of employment, such as microwork and online contracting – now called the gig economy.
  8. The successes of the Ajira Digital program will be derived frompartnerships and collaboration between public and private sector.
  9. To benefit from this programme, I urge the University to liaisewith my Ministry in order to launch an Ajira Digital Club in their campuses. This club targets Kenyan Youth in higher institutions of learning and focuses on introducing students to online skillsthat can link them to online jobs, while at the same time benefitting frommentorship opportunities from skilled workers.
  10. In October this year, my Ministry also launched the Huduma Whitebox. The main objective of this initiative is to create a channel for anyone who wants to sell or suggest a product, idea to governmentwith priority given to products that focus on the Big 4 Agenda and address Government priorities and challenges.
  11. Through this initiative, innovators will receive the requisite intellectual propertyadvise on how to protect their ideas. It is a one stop shop for anyone whowants to present/share/sell an idea innovation, invention or solution. You can visit www.whitebox.go.ke if you have an idea or innovation.
  12. Ultimately under this program, we will build a collaborative community of entrepreneursand innovators who will mutually benefit from sharing knowledge and establishing necessary partnerships for success.
  13. As Iconclude Ladies and Gentlemen, Iwould like to call upon the graduands and the entire student fraternity to desistfrom engaging in retrogressive practices. Invest your talent, knowledge, timeand energy in productive activities that will elevate this country to greaterheights. Kenya can only shine if you demonstrate your patriotism through whatyou do.
  14. As I sweep my eyes across, I see vibrant Kenyans ready to establish their presence within their various disciplines. I see leaders, job creators, entrepreneurs,innovators, and trendsetters. If you believe within yourself, you can become what you desire to be in life. But be wary of detractors whose sole intention is to veer you off your path.
  15. I would like to encourage you with the scriptures from Ephesians chapter 6 thatsays, “…be strong in the Lord and in His mighty power. Put on thefull armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. Wear the Belt of TRUTH; Breast plate of RIGHTEOUSNESS; Sandals of PEACE; Shield of FAITH; and Helmet of SALVATION.
  16. To the parents, guardians, lecturers and management of our universities, I urgeyou to actively involve yourselves in the lives of your mentees. Guide them andcounsel them so that by the time they are released into the market, they arewell equipped to make positive and progressive impacts in the society.
  17. To the Management, I thank you once again for inviting me to this momentous occasion and I look forward to partnering with this University as we nurtureour future leaders.

 Congratulations to the class of 2018 and God Bless You All!

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