The government is exploring ways to leverage on ICT to enhance the growth of Small and Medium Enterprises (SME’s) through e-commerce.

ICT Cabinet Secretary Joe Mucheru said efforts were being made to grow SME in the country through utilization of ICT to realise economic growth in the country.

Speaking during a press briefing after a meeting with Secretary General of International Telecommunications Union, Mr Hauli Zhao, Mr Mucheru said the government was also contemplating maximizing new and emerging technologies such as Over the Top (OTT) content and the Internet of Things  to escalate growth of SME.

The ITU Secretary General Mr Hauli Zhao lauded Kenya’s ICT environment saying the country has one of the most progressive and aggressive ICT ecosystems in the world.

Mr.  Zhao said Kenya has achieved a lot in the ICT industry that has led to the development of e-commerce, e-finance among others.

He said ITU was lobbying world governments and private sectors players to invest in ICT and have the rural and marginalized areas connected to internet. He regretted that half the world’s population has no internet connection that can help to stimulate growth.

6th September 6, 2016