
Cabinet secretary for ICT Joe Mucheru (Center) engage Korean Director General Ministry of Interior Mr. Younghwan Chang (second left) when he visited him at Telposta Towers today to discuss on Operationalisation of E-governance MOU signed last year.

Kenya today hosted a high powered delegation from the Republic of Korea to discuss modalities of operationalizing a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on cooperation in the area of e-Government signed between the two states in May last year.  The objective of the MOU is to promote cooperation and exchange of experiences in the area of e-Government through theestablishment and operation of e-Government Cooperation Center, in accordance with national laws and regulations of the two states and the international law.

The delegation was led by Mr. Younghwan Chang, Director General, Ministry of the Interior accompanied by; Mr. Chanwoo Kang, Deputy Director, Ministry of the Interior;  Ms. SeongJu Park, Special Advisor, Ministry of the Interior ; Ms. Younghee Kim, National Information society Agency of the Ministry of th


Cabinet Secretary for ICT Joe Mucheru (2nd Left) receive an artistic gift of 16th Century Korean dhow from Korean Director General Ministry of Interior Mr. Younghwan Chang (First R) when he visited him at Telposta Towers today.

e Interior and Yunseon Choi of Korean embassy in Nairobi.

The Principal Secretary for ICT and Innovation Eng. Victor Kyalo, said the engagement was important for the mutual interest and technology transfer and growth of the ICT sector in the country.

In the MOU, the two countries agreed to establish the Korea-Kenya e-Government Cooperation Center in Nairobi, by July this year that will be coordinated by jointly by the two countries. The necessary documentations including the project concept paper, and financial agreements would be conclude before mid this year.