The Government of Kenyaand the Government of the Republic of Korea have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) aimed at enhancing cooperation between the two countries in the field of Information Communication and Technology (ICT).

The signing of the Corporation agreement by Joe Mucheru, the Cabinet Secretary for ICT and ChoiYanghee, the KoreaMinister for Science, ICT and Future Planning inSeoultoday, 12th October2016 isa follow-up to the state visit to Kenya by the Korean President earlier this year.
In the MOU, Kenya and Seoul have agreed to encourage cooperation and exchange between government ministries, agencies, research and training institutions as well as businesses and other organizationsin the two countries.
The two countries have identified areas of mutual cooperation in policy, institutions, technology development and services that will benefit the citizens of the two states.

Among the areas that the agreement covers is the next-generation mobile communications 3G, 4G and 5G technologies, high-speed internet network, services and applications and software development. The Collaboration will also cover the Data protection and cyber security development of new fields in the ICT industry such as the cloud computing, big data and internet of things (IoT).

The ICT Cabinet Secretary said other areas of collaboration will involve development of digital content digital, management of the internet address and governance and digital convergence and applications. Similarly, the collaborative effort will deal with management and utilization of Spectrum and radio monitoring, technical standardization and certification and human resource development in the field of ICT among others.
The two Countries have also agreed to cooperate on exchange and sharing ofinformation on policy and technology, exchange of delegates and experts and conducting of joint seminars and workshops to foster strong partnership.

The partnership will include joint participation in ICT related conferences and events hosted by the two countries and supporting mutual visits, promotion of joint projects in research and development and cooperation in training and educational exchange programs.
This MoUset to cement cooperation activities between the two countries also provides for the setting up of Korean Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) and KONZA Techno city.

In the document, the two states noted that, investing in educational and research Institutions is a key pillar in growing ICT ecosystem to achieve Vision 2030 milestones. It was observed that it was important to secure the Cyber Space through corporation of Cyber Security Agencies because widespread use of internet has led to increased insecurity in the cyber ecosystem.