April 4 th 2018 By Cheruiyot Korir
Principal Secretary for Broadcasting and Telecommunication Mr. Sammy Itemere has said Kenya’s solid embrace of ICT has transformed the country into the smartest society in the region and has created efficiency and profitability in enterprises.

Mr. Itemere said the Kenya’s active adoption of ICTs has also contributed to increased productivity among various communities and made life easy for citizens.

The Principal Secretary said, the success is attributed to formulation and implementation of a vibrant ICT policy framework and the integration of ICT in the County’s Vision 2030 blue print.

Addressing participants at the Swiss Lenana Mount hotel in Nairobi today, during the official opening of the training for engineers to implement Digital Projects in 800 villages, Mr. Itemere said, the government has an obligation to facilitate citizens to access information for socio-economic development following the enactment of Access to Information Act, 2016.

Mr Itemere said the implementation of the project will lead to increased access to Information through TV broadcast, reduce rural-urban migration and bridge digital divide beside increasing Kenya-China bilateral cooperation and knowledge transfer. He added that the project would also facilitate wealth creation, national Cohesion and enhance the achievement of the Government BIG four transformation Agenda through provision of communication and marketing services.
Chinese Counselor Guo Ce said, at least 800 villages, and 16 thousand households in Kenya will benefit d from this project. Mr Guo said Kenya’s excellent geographical location, good infrastructure and the healthy rule of law have attracted Chinese enterprises.

He said Kenya ranks among the top three destinations for Chinese investments in Africa adding that China has become Kenya’s largest trading partner, largest investor, and largest contractor source country, with bilateral trade volume reaching 3.8 billion US dollars in 2017.