
Mr Henry Mungasia, Director of Administration in the Ministry of Information, Communication and Technology in Kenya vote during election for the Director-General of International Telecommunications Satellite Organisation (ITSO) held at the Washington College of Law, Washington DC, US.

Kenya has been elected to sit in the International Telecommunications Satellite Organisation(ITSO) Advisory Committee  becoming  one of the  six African countries elected to the Committee.

The Committee meets at least once every year to deliberate on ITSO’s  policy and technical issues and receives reports from the Secretariat on operational issues.

Meanwhile, PatrickMasambu of Uganda was elected as the new Director-General of the International Telecommunications Satellite Organization (ITSO) in a closely contested elections held on 13th October, 2016 at the Washington College of Law, Washington DC, USA.

During the first round of voting, Mr. Masambu garnered 59 votes, while Mr. Yvon Henri of France’s got 43 votesand Laceta Jose Manuel of Spain, 23 votes. However, the second round was necessitated as none of candidates obtained 2/3 required for an outright win.

Mr. Laceta dropped after the first round.In a second-round, Mr. Masambubeat Mr. Yvon Henri of France’s by 72 votes against 43 votes.This victory was a sweet relief for Mr. Masambu, having been a front runner in 2006 in Antalya,Turkey but lost in the elections.