Kenya will continue scaling up ICT innovations by identifying innovators,financiers, and researchers to accelerate inclusive development and economic growth.

The Director of Administration in the Ministry of Information, Communication, and Technology Mr. Henry Mung’asia said the government was reviewing the innovations ecosystem with a view of developing a working framework to nurture innovative talents to drive ICTs in the country.

Speaking at a Workshop on National Digital Innovation at a Nairobi Hotel today, Mr. Mung’asia said Kenya acknowledges the benefits of digital innovations and was keen to leverage on available resources to enhance knowledge sharing and engagement with stakeholders to scale up innovations.

Mr. Mung’asia said,“For the country to be ranked among the leading global ICTs hubs, there is need for continued innovations besides the world acclaimed M-pesa financial services to drive socio-economic development and provide employment opportunities to the youth.”

He said the Ministry was awaiting fora report of the findings and recommendations from a consultative process on status of innovations in the country in order to develop a responsive ICT centric innovative policy.

Mr. Matano Ndaro of the National Communication Secretariatsaid, “Forfull benefits of the ICTs to be realized in Kenya, the country should shift from ICT consumerism to producer of ICT goods and services.”

By Cheruiyot Korir, 2nd  December 2016.