Jane Gitau, Communications Consultant and Taskforce vice chairman

Jane Gitau is a seasoned communicator ardent about ensuring every word counts. She plans and executes work, with variety that is both stimulating and challenging. A champion of communication through the written word, she has consulted in the development sector across the region. – the International Livestock Research Institute, (ILRI), the Eastern African Sub-regional Support Initiative for the Advancement of Women (EASSI), the Institute of Certified Public Accountants of Uganda (ICPAU), the Institute of Corporate Governance of Uganda (ICGU Uganda) and the Anglican Church of Kenya. She is a NITA accredited trainer, and has lectured at Uganda Christian University and the St Paul’s University. She won the prestigious Chevening Scholarship from the British Government to study for the Master of Arts in Journalism Studies. University of Wales, Cardiff, UK, in I997.