November 14th 2019             

By Cheruiyot Korir

Cabinet Secretary for ICT, Mr Joe Mucheru, called on local business community to invest in Konza saying the government was putting in place infrastructure to support investment at the upcoming city.

Mr Mucheru who spoke during a ground breaking ceremony for the Ksh 10 millon, 40 KV power sub-station at the Konza technocity today, said, the optic fibre connection have been integrated in the power transmission lines to facilitate optic fiber connectivity across the whole country.

“With our partner, the Kenya Electricity Transmission Company (KETRACO), we can ensure that optic fibre is extended from the sea to lake Victoria. This means we will be able to give proper redundancy and very high quality connectivity that will allow communities enjoy better network coverage from mobile operators, said Mr Mucheru.

Mr Mucheru noted that the Konza Technocity has generated a lot of interest locally and internationally.

“I’m calling on the business community to take time and come and invest. In the next few months, we have other investors coming from overseas. They have taken a lot of study and understand what Konza has to offer and I don’t want Kenyans to be left behind. Said Mr. Mucheru.

The Cabinet Secretary said ultramodern police station, a hospital, a national data center among other utilities will be built in the  city that will allow investors enjoy 100% re-newable energy.

The Energy Cabinet Secretary Charles Keter who spoke at the function said the 40 km project to is  part of the Kenya Power Transmission Expansion project (KPTEP) that will run from Isinya through Machakos, Makueni and Kajiados Counties.

Mr Keter said, the project will improve the quality of power supply in Kajiado, Makueni and Machakos and stimulate industrial and agricultural growth through establishment of industries