About ICT and Digital Economy

Functions of the State Department for ICT and Digital Economy

  • To Facilitate the Development of the Information and Communications Sector (including Broadcasting, multimedia)
  • Data Protection Policy and Regulation of Personal Data Services
  • National ICT Policy
  • Promotion of ICT Innovation and Digital Economy
  • Promotion of E-Government
  • Promotion of Software Development Industry
  • Provision of ICT Technical Support to MDAs
  • Policy on Automation of Government Services
  • Development of National Communication Capacity and Infrastructure
  • Management of National Fibre Optic Infrastructure.


  • Office of the Data Protection Commissioner (Data Protection Act,2019)
  • Konza Technopolis Development Authority (Konza Technopolis Development Order, 2012)
  • Kenya ICT Authority (Legal Notice No. 183 of 2013)
  • Kenya Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) (Universities Act, No. 42 of 2012)
  • The East African Marine Cable System Limited “TEAMS” (Companies Act, Cap.486)