14TH JUNE, 2019.

The Cabinet Secretary for ICT, Mr. Joe Mucheru has said that the Government is committed to promote the interests of local authors and publishers by developing strong policy and copyright frameworks.

Mr. Mucheru who made the remarks in a speech read on his behalf by Government Spokesman Col. (Rtd) Cyrus Oguna at the International Publishers Association Seminar in Nairobi today, said that the government has formulated progressive policy and legislative frameworks to support investment and growth of the local publishers.
Mr. Mucheru said that the Government is committed to support the sector because publishing is a critical service to the society that allows readers to access information and ideas for growth and development.

“We value publishing as a very important process in the society. It is through publishing of information, ideas and knowledge that we conserve our valued heritage,” said Mr. Mucheru.

He added that, it is important to provide commensurate compensation to the authors for their creative work.
Mr. Mucheru said that the use of ICT platforms and equipment have transformed the publishing chain from the production of manuscripts to the distribution. He noted, that the digital technology has also enabled small publishers to operate and compete with established firms.

The Cabinet Secretary assured the International Publishers of the Government’s commitment in supporting Kenyan firms by procuring bulk books for use in both primary and secondary schools.
Mr. Mucheru called upon the publishers in the country to leverage on the mobile phone penetration to distribute digital content noting that almost every Kenyan has a mobile handset.

In an effort to position Kenya strategically in the information society, the Cabinet Secretary pointed out that the government has distributed Digital Learning Devices to pupils in over 20,000 Public primary schools across the country to facilitate provision of digital skills to the pupils.