February 20th 2018                            By Cheruiyot Korir/Christine

The government of Kenya is committed to promoting fair and effective competition in the Telecommunications sub sector and the ICT Industry to encourage innovation and investment in the sector.

Cabinet Secretary for ICT Mr. Joe Mucheru said, although studies and practice in other parts of the world show that dominance in any market segment is not an offence, the Communication Authority will develop competition laws that prevent potential abuse

Mr. Mucheru observed that absence of safeguards in the telecoms industry could lead to abuse of dominance that impede sectorial investment growth and hurt consumer welfare. He explained that if left unregulated, dominance in telecommunications services has potential to compromise access and quality services, high tariffs and limit consumer choices.

Mr. Mucheru made the remarks today in a speech read on his behalf by the Principal Secretary for Telecommunications and Broadcasting Mr Sammy Itemere, at a Nairobi hotel during a workshop on dissemination of a study on Telecoms Competition in the country.

The Cabinet Secretary observed that over the years there have been multiple growths in telecom market giving opportunity to operators to offer a wide range of innovative services. To fast track the attainment of Vision 2030, and the UN Sustainable Development Goals, Mr. Mucheru said the government will formulate vibrant policy frameworks that enhance competition.

Acting Communications Authority, Director General, Christopher Kemei, said the study of telecommunications competitions commissioned in 2016 was aimed at identifying the number of telecommunications operators, their markets and submarkets, Additionally, Mr Kemei said the study also aimed at establishing levels of competition, identifying market barriers and anti-competitive behavior among other issues.

Mr Kemei said CA was to instituting fair regulatory interventions to facilitate development of ICT to catalyze the attainment of the government’s “big Four “pillars-food security, affordable Housing, manufacturing and affordable universal health care.