The government has disbursed Ksh 126 million to over 1.2 million vulnerable members of the society over the past 15 years to give financial independence and dignified life under a social protection program called Inua Jamii.

The Government Spokesman, Col. (Rtd) Cyrus Oguna said, the program, targeting persons over 65 years in extreme poverty and vulnerable households, orphans, vulnerable children and persons living with disabilities was allocated sh 26 billion this year up from sh 16. 6 billion last Financial year.

Col (Rtd) Oguna said that the government program that has benefited over 830, 000 old people, 253,000 orphans and vulnerable children and 47, 000 persons living with disabilities, will be expanded and strengthen to provide financial independence and dignified life to vulnerable members of the community.

Speaking in Marigat, in Baringo County yesterday, during the weekly press briefing, Oguna said the Inua Jamii program has increased household purchasing power and credit worthiness of vulnerable people in the society. He added that the social protection program has also increased savings and investments that has enable beneficiaries to buy and own assets such as homes and livestock.
He observed that, the program has improved diversity in the diet and food expenditure in families of the vulnerable persons.

On security situation along the border of Baringo and West Pokot Counties, Col. (Rtd) Oguna said the government has increased officers from the Anti-stock Theft, the General Service and the Rapid Deployment Units to protect lives and property and stop livestock theft.

Oguna said the government is committed to protecting citizens against threats of insecurity and commended security forces for their commitment that has led to decrease in insecurity incidents in the affected areas and the recent recovery of over 400 cattle and 200 goats stolen by raiders.

He challenged some members of the community in Baringo North and Baringo South who practice outdated cultural rites that encourage cattle theft to abandon the practice and seek alternative means of economic activities.
The senior government official asked members of the community to cooperate with security agencies and volunteer information on those involved in cattle theft and insecurity to enable the government take action.

The official urged journalists to verify reports touching on security to ensure that the information they relay to their respective media house are accurate and promote cohesion in the society.

Other programs initiated by the government to empower vulnerable members of the society, Oguna, Observed, include Access to Governmnet Procurement Opportunities (AGPO), Uwezo Fund and the Kenya Youth Employment Opportunity Project (KYEOP) among others.

By Cheruiyot Korir July 19th 2019