Principal secretary for Broadcasting and Telecommunications Sammy Itemere addresses Multi Media University students on On Line Work (AJIRA) at the institute’s Conference Centre today.

University students and graduates have been urged to shift their mindset from securing white-collar employment to working on-line based on the changing global employment trends.

Mr. Nyimbi Odero, an official at the Ministry of Information, Communication, and technology has said adoption of automated process in organizations and the move by organizations to off-load their tasks to online platforms have disrupted the traditional work in office setup and changed mode of employment globally.

Addressing students of the Multi-Media University yesterday, Mr. Nyimbi said many organizations now put their work to be completed on-line by skilled and no-skilled people in different locations in the world operating neither in offices nor as teams.

Mr. Nyimbi said companies find sourcing for skills and putting work to be done online was faster and economical   and minimizes on capital outlays. He added that, on-line workers also find it convenient that they can select the nature of work to do and where to work from.

Principal secretary for Broadcasting and Telecommunications Sammy Itemere addresses Multi Media University students on On Line Work (AJIRA) at the institute’s Conference Centre today.

The official called on the graduates to embrace the culture of working on-line because it enabled them to utilize their skill to work from any location to earn a living and build their careers.

Broadcasting and Telecommunication Principal Secretary Mr. Sammy Itemere said automation of processes and deployment of Information, Communication and technology (ICT) in the delivery of goods and services in organizations have changed the global trends of employment and work environment.

Mr. Itemere said, because of the changing mode of production in industries and delivery of services employers have cut down on manpower and shifted the work to digital platforms.

By Cheruiyot Korir – May 25, 2017