Microsoft is holding two days’ workshop on Digital Transformation in the Public Sector between the 6th and 7th of March, 2017 at Crowne Plaza in Nairobi.
Leveraging on Cloud Technology, Microsoft intents to promote best digital practices in the public sector and encourage efficient and effective through e-services. E-Agriculture, e-Taxes, e-Justice, e-Transport, and e-Health are the government service areas earmarked and targeted for transformation in this workshop.

The Principal Secretary State Department for Broadcasting and Telecommunications, Ministry of ICT Mr. Sammy Itemere officially opened the workshop. While speaking to theparticipants, PS Itemeresaid, “Kenya therefore has a critical role to play in contributing to the digital transformation of public sector institutions across the continent. We recognize that public/private partnerships are integral to digital transformation in order to improve service delivery and increase Africa’s competitiveness on a global scale. ICT entrepreneurship is enshrined in the National ICT Master Plan 2013/14 – 2017/18. The plan seeks to guide the creation of an enabling policy, legal and regulatory environment. Further, it will provide e-government services that are simple to use and convenient for citizens and businesses; increase the productivity, efficiency and effectiveness of critical economic sectors; stimulate the setup and growth of ICT-related businesses to enhance employment creation; enable and scale up ICT innovation; and develop a dynamic and robust ICT sector that will enhance socio-economic growth”.

The PS reiterated the importance of embracing cloud based solutions for better delivery of services. Other speakers echoed his words and concurred that cloud technology is for global good especially inclusive cloud that promotes Digital Literacy, development of the next generation skills including artificial technology for the physically and mentally challenged.

Technology is revolutionizing the public sector and “ we must seek to harness the power of cloud for social good and ensure the wave of innovation being unleashed by cloud computing can benefit everyone in Africa, leaving no one behind” the Principal Secretary said.

By: Carol Sakwa, 6th March 2017.