February 19th 2020         By Cheruiyot Korir

The Cabinet Secretary for ICT Joe Mucheru has called on American companies to participate in bid for competitive public tenders with other players in the country.

Mr Mucheru said, public tendering processes was fairly and transparently adding that American companies need to express interest and participate in the process to enable them get an opportunity to do business by supplying their goods and services.

Speaking at the Telposta Towers today when he hosted an American delegation led by the Massachusetts Congressman Seth Moulton, Mr Mucheru said China was giving American companies stiff competition in tenders for public procurement because the Chinese Companies aggressive in seeking for contracts compared to American companies.

Mr Mucheru observed that, although Kenya has turned to the East for trading partners such as China, he said, the country has a history of working relations with the US in the past and was committed to strengthening their mutual friendship and trade ties.

Mr Mucheru said the country has been working with Chinese companies because they had an edge over other companies as they had better pricing of their equipment. He added that contacts for Chinese companies closes monitored public procurement policy and legislative formulations and are always ready to adjust to new regulations and conditions.
American Congressman Seth Moulton said Kenya was a valued partner of the US and was ready to work closely in trade ties and other important collaborations.
Mr Moulton said the US was ready to compete fairly in the market driven by decisions made based on values.

Other US delegates included; American Ambassador to Kenya Kyle McCarter, US Marine Corp Congressional liaison official, Major Jon Pettibon, Economic Officer Adrian Amen and Economic Specialist Protus Shitero.