The government has intensified efforts to train the youth countrywide on how to find and register for on-line work.

Cabinet secretary for Information, Communication and Technology Joe Mucheru said the move to train the youth on how search and register for on-line work was informed by global changing global trends in the labour market.

Speaking at the Tom Mboya labour college when he opened the Ajira Digital training workshop for over 3000 Mr Mucheru said many companies globally were moving away from creating work in traditional offices in physical locations and instead were posting millions of their jobs on-line to be accessed through digital devices by skilled freelancers from any location in the world.

He said the online jobs will help resolve the an unemployment rate among the youth in the country adding that the freelancers can complete their tasks and submit on-line making it cheaper and efficient way for companies to operate

The Cabinet Secretary said the government plans to put some jobs from the Judiciary and ministry of health on-line to be accessed by Kenyas. He said the first step was to train and providing mentors to the youth on online jobs to prepare them for the opportunities in the digital markets.

Mr Mucheru said with the projected 500 million digital devices in the county in the next five there was need to prepare the country for the manufacture and production of digital devices to service the country’s growing demands of the devices.

He explained that the government has an ambitious program to provide universal access internet to its citizen over the next few years. He the government has already provided infrastructure through laying of optic fibre cables and provision of freeWiFi network in some areas in the country.

By Cheruiyot Korir – April 6th 2017