
CS MOICT Joe Mucheru today 29/3/2017 launched University-Industry Sustainability Collaboration platform at Safari Park hotel Nairobi, where he was the keynote speaker with businessmen Dr. Chris Kirubi and Joe Wanjui.

The Government has integrated technology in the administration and marking of national examination to promote credibility of results, Cabinet Secretary for Information, Communication, and Technology

Mr. Mucheru said the Ministries of ICT and Education were collaborating to stem irregularities in the education system by using ICT to identify enrolled candidates, monitor the administration and marking of examination to ensure genuine and deserving students sat for examinations and earned genuine marks.

Speaking at the University Sustainability Conference 2017 held at a Nairobi hotel today Mr. Mucheru said the government had also reviewed curriculum to in Primary school to take into consideration the Digital Literacy Program aimed at instill innovative culture at formative ages.


CS MOICT Joe Mucheru today 29/3/2017 launched University-Industry Sustainability Collaboration platform at Safari Park hotel Nairobi, where he was the keynote speaker.

He said the government was also preparing to build a tech savvy civil service by initiating the Prudential Digital Talent Program. He said the program entail placing youthful graduates in Engineering and Technology under internship in public and private sectors to understudy operations of the different sectors for one year.

The Cabinet Secretary said after graduating from internship the students will be crical human resource in the public and private sectors in driving the digitization of the different sectors of the economy.

The Chairman of the Commission for Higher Education Prof. Richard Some said it was fundamental for the interaction between Universities, the industry and the government to dialogue on how to prepare students in the institutions of higher learning to meet the expectation of the potential employers.

By Cheruiyot Korir, March 29, 2017