The government will distribute and install the Digital Literacy Devices (DLP) in all the public Primary schools in Kakmega County in the next few months, Principal Secretary for Broadcasting and Telecommunications, Mr. Sammy Itemere has said.

Mr Itemere said the government was committed to fulfilling the promise it pledged to wananchi to have all the class one pupils across the country be provide with the devices pre-loaded with digital content.

Speaking at Bushangala Primary school in Ikolomani Sub County in Kakamega County when he inspected the installation of the devices in the school, Mr. Itemere said with the integration of digital learning in schools, Kenyan pupils will be able to compete globally in technological innovation and creativity.

Principal Secretary for special programs Ms Josephta Mukobe said he government was determined to equip children at early age with life skills to prepare them be productive citizens in future.

Ms Mukobe said the government had made special designed DLP devices that were friendly to needs of children with disabilities. She called on parents and guardian of children with disabilities to enroll the children in school to enable them be prepared to participate fully in the socio-economic development of the country.

The Ikolomani sub Country Director of Education Mr Kipsang Birech said over 2000 DLP devices have been distributed in the 56 schools in the Sub County. Mr Birech said the remaining 24 schools will be soon covered in the on-going exercise.

During his tour, Mr Itemere also inspected the installation of the of the DLP devices in Isulu, Ibwali and Musoli primary schools in Kakamega county.

By Cheruiyot Korir March 25, 2017