Principal Secrtary for Broadcasting and Telecommunications, Sammy Itemere (center) receive Malawi Minister for ICT Nicholas Dausi (right) as ICT PS Victor Kyalo (left) looks on. The Malawi had paid a courtesy call on the two Ps’ at their Telposta towers offices today while on an ICT and Huduma center bench-marking tour in the country

The government has initiated plans to set up digital recording studios in the grass roots to tap into talents of young artists in rural areas.

Principal Secretary for Broadcasting and Telecommunications Sammy Itemere said the recording studios would promoteproduction of local media content by providing opportunity for the talented in the countryside to record their innovative ideas to be used by local in local TV and radio stations.

Speaking when he received the Malawi Minister for ICT Mr. Nicholas Dausi at the Telposta Towers today,  MrItemeresaid Kenya was ready to collaborate with Malawi in growing the ICT market to spur socio-economic development.

ICT Principal Secretary Victor Kyalo said the government was automating all its services to make public services efficient, convenient and affordable.


Principal Secretary for ICT and Innovations, Victor Kyalo (center) brief Malawi ICT Minister Nicholas Dausi (right) on ICT operations and developments in Kenya. With them are PS for Broadcasting telecommunications Sammy Itemere (left) and ICT Director John Sergon. Malawi delegation is in Kenya on a bench-marking tour on ICT and Huduma centers.

He said the government was reviewing the mode of delivery of some public services by contractingoperators to provide the utilities such as the outsourcing of Xray facilities in public hospitals and leasing of Transport for the security personnel to minimize running expenses.

Malawi Minister for ICT Mr Nicholas Dausi said Kenya can offer valuable expertise to his country on on implementation of Huduma Service centers, issues of cyber security and e-governance among others.

MrDausi said Kenya share a lot of historical and development heritage that needed to harnessed to benefit citizens of the two nations.

By Cheruyoit Korir February 6, 2017