November 2, 2016                By Carol Sakwa
The media have been urged to create positive relations between the government and the public by enlightening the audience about government projects that bring economic benefit to Kenyans. Cabinet Secretary for Information Communication and technology said Projects such as the Digital Literacy Programme (DLP) for primary schools, Ajira for improved youth employment Studio Mashinani, expanded Broadband and WiFi connectivity in the counties spearheaded by MOICT, other government agencies and partners are important to the country’s economic development.
Mr Mucheru who made the remarks today, 2nd November, 2016, when he met with the editors of the Standard Group Media at their office headquarters’ along Mombasa road to brief them on ministry’s projects and programs, noted that emerging dynamic social media platforms such as Neflix pose serious competition against mainstream media (Radio and Television Broadcasting) and urged the traditional media to embrace digital platform and champion truth and authenticity in their stories.
The CS pointed out that broadcasting as key platform where media needs to work together with the government to create awareness, highlight issues and create effective communication through accurate, honest and transparent reports.
The Standard Media Group chief Executive Officer Mr. Sam Shollei traced the historical development of the company dating back to 1902 when it was founded. Mr shollei said the Kenya Television Network (KTN) started in 1990 and later establishment of radio Maisha which is ranked amongst the five most popular fm stations nationally. Mr shollei said the SMG also publishes the Nairobian, a monthly newspaper that features moral issues to put society in check. He said the platforms have embraced social media and have a robust website.
On his part, the Principal Secretary for Broadcasting and Telecommunication Sammy Itemere concurred on need of objective reporting and emphasized that positive reports help to position Kenya strategically in development regionally and internationally.
Going forward, the government and the media should engage for improved relationship. The media experts said the government needs to be open to the media and regularly provide information to facilitate fair and responsible reporting.
ICT CS Mucheru and his PS, Broadcasting and Telecommunication pledged to work harmoniously with the media for effective communication of government issues and concerns to the public.