The current Digital Literacy Program being implemented is projected to make Kenya one of the leading exporters of innovative services and products in the next 15 years, ICT  Cabinet Secretary Joe Mucheru has said.

MrMucheru said the government was putting in place structures and infrastructure to facilitate development of digital device manufacturing and assembling plants at the Moi University and the Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture to position the country as an exporter of ICT software and hardware.

Speaking at Ortum Primary school in West Pokot after inspecting installation of DLP devices in the school, MrMucheru said the implementation of the program is expected to increase uptake of ICT and spur innovation in the country.

He said the government was expanding broadband and power connectivity in villages to provide the youth opportunity to venture into on-line jobs, smart farming and marketing of agricultural produce.

The cabinet secretary called on parents and teachers to pursue courses in digital technology to enable them mentor their children and students respectively and guide them on need to use ICT for learning and research and employment creation.

He said mobile operators, Safaricom and Airtel Companies have committed to partners with government in expanding digital space among students by providing free internet connectivity to all public Primary schools in the country.

He said over 23, 000 primary schools in the country have been connected to electricity adding that  the remaining 500 school will soon be connected.

1st October 2, 2016