The government will establish four internet hot spots in each of the 210 constituencies in the country to provide the youth and the public opportunities for on-line jobs and services.

Cabinet Secretary for ICT Joe Mucherusaid once the locations have been identified, the government will partner with the members of parliament to develop the facilitie that will provide free internet connectivity to the public.

In a speech read on his behalf by the Principal Secretary for Broadcasting and Telecommunications Mr. Sammy Itemere during an occasion to mark the World Post day at a Nairobi hotel today 10thOctober 2016,Mr.Mucheru said the project that has successfully been piloted in Limuru will be rolled out to other parts of the country before the end of the year.

Mr. Mucheru lauded the Portal Corporation of Kenya for establishing over 620 outlets countrywide which have provided accessible and effective services in the urban and rural areas.

The cabinet Secretary challenged the Postal Corporation of Kenya (PCK) to adopt business approach models in their operations to provide a range of innovative communication solutions to make their products and services competitive in the market.

He said a task force was appointed by the government thisyear to review and re-structured the operations of the Corporation to make it a vibrant and a profitable public entity. He explained that the government is committed to ensuring an efficient postal sector that guarantees citizens a right to access affordable services.

PCK Acting Post Master General Daniel Kagwe said besides providing citizens with Huduma services countrywide, his corporation has also partnered with local banks to provide financial inclusion services in their branch networks.

10th October 10, 2016