August 29th 2019                              

By Cheruiyot Korir

The government has expressed its commitment to support the development of the film industry by formulating policies that attract and protect investments in the sector.

The Cabinet Secretary for ICT Joe Mucheru said it was important to encourage investments in the creative and entertainment industry because it has huge potential to generate income and create job opportunities.

Mr Mucheru advised producers to use film to promote and protect the country’s cultural heritage for generation saying filming was a powerful toll of communication.

Speaking at the Nairobi Cinema Theatre during a graduation ceremony of 20 filmmakers today, Mr Mucheru called on producers to generate content that portray the country and the continent positively and celebrate diversity of language, culture and religion.

He said Kenya boasts of great scenic areas such as snow-capped mountains, beautiful valleys and the savannah grassland rich in diversity that local producers could take advantage to shoot premier films.

He pledged government’s support to protect intellectual property rights of artists by enforcing copyrights laws.

He said that the government would also impose taxes against foreign content creators who produce in their countries and bring recorded materials for airing in Kenya.  He said it would be unfair for such contents creators to produce outside the country in an attempt to avoid paying taxes.