August, 22nd 2019

By Mercy Majuek

 Information, Communication and Technology (ICT) Cabinet Secretary (CS) Mr. Joe Mucheru has urged public and private institutions to leverage on technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the Internet of Things (IoT) to streamline to their operations and enhance service delivery.

The Cabinet Secretary noted that, the emerging digital platforms are instrumental in converging ecosystems of consumers and producers, that will enhance transactions.

The CS observed that the digital revolution has given rise to technology-driven business models, which have had a profound transformation on the digital economy.

Mr. Mucheru who made the remarks in a speech read on his behalf by, Dr. Jane Munga, an advisor in his office, during the opening of the 3rd East African IoT and AI Summit at a Nairobi Hotel, said that, the emerging technologies create new opportunities for Kenyan workers such as the Ajira program. He explained that the Ajira program will propel the country forward and position Kenya as a regional and international leader in the ICT domain.

“New possibilities for our businesses have been created and companies are now able to increase productivity by scaling. Customer service is improving and new revenue and earning streams have been created,” he said.

The CS also stressed the need for sector-specific response to digital transformation in various entities to empower various sectors to move up the digitization ladder by building their capabilities.

“While the whole economy can gain from digitization, some segments may face greater challenges in making this transition. In this bracket our Small Medium Enterprises (SMEs). Collectively, they employ two thirds of the workforce and significantly contribute to Kenya’s GDP,” said Mr. Mucheru.

At the same time, Mr. Mucheru said that, the Government will work with the private sector to entrench the emerging technologies for the benefit of the national economy.

“Adoption of these emerging technologies will transform the Kenyan economy by creating opportunities to solve current problems, such as unemployment, corruption, insecurity and poverty,” Mr. Mucheru said.

The cabinet secretary emphasized on the need for enterprises to engage in a productive, innovative and sustainable digital economy and work to increase adoption and deepen capabilities.