The Cabinet Secretary for ICT Mr. Joe Mucheru has said that, there is need for manufacturing sector to digitize and automate their processes to improve quality and efficiency of manufacturing output.

Mr Mucheru said it was important for enterprises to automate process to ensure production of high quality products among the SMEs that are competitive in the market.

Mr Mucheru who made the remarks in a speech read on his behalf by the Government Spokesperson, Colonel (Retired) Cyrus Oguna at a Nairobi hotel, said that, the Government is a strong proponent of a smart society and a smart economy through adoption of ICTs solutions across all sectors of the economy.

He said the government advocates for shifting of trade and financial services to be moved to online platforms to create a digital economy in which every citizen and business can trade in real goods, Information goods, and Services, including labor in a seamless manner. He pledged the government commitment to protecting the ICT innovations and investments by formulating friendly policies and legislative frameworks.

The Cabinet Secretary said that, through the Presidential Digital Talent Programme the government aims at developing skilled ICT human resources and nurture on their innovations. He said the programme equips the youth with skills required to drive the nation to an information society.

Mr Mucheru said the government has made broadband connectivity to all County and National government offices at county headquarters to attract investors and avail the government services through online.

He said there are plans to have broadband available to all Kenyans within walking distance even in rural areas across the country in order to bridge the digital divide and increase uptake of technology solutions.

BY Milka Ndoncho. July 4th 2019