The government plans to roll out 4G mobile network  in the country in the next four months.

The Principal Secretary for Broadcasting and Telecommunications, Mr. Sammy Itemere said, currently, there were about two operators offering 4G trial services in selected parts of the country explaining that the delay in the rollout of the programme was caused by high cost investments needed for the infrastructure.

Briefing the media after officially opening the first African Telecommunications Union Conference in in Nairobi on the 19th September 2016, Mr Itemere said the government through the Communications Authority of Kenya will facilitate mobile operators to roll out the infrastructure.

4G networks enable users of enabled phones and other devices easily access video streaming and teleconferencing. Mobile operator, Safaricom is already conducting 4G trials in Nairobi and Mombasa while Airtel and Orange are in set to conduct their trials.

The PS said the government was encouraging mobile operators to share infrastructure to minimize cost of network deployment and lower call charges among subscribers.

He said the World Radio Conference (WRC) preparatory conference is aimed at developing a common African approach on mobile telephony that will safeguard the interest of African countries in the global market.

He said the meeting comes at the critical time when there is a growing demand for more spectrums because of the increasing mobile traffic and development of new innovative services.

He said the Internet of Things is projected to contribute to 50 billion connected devices by 2020, a situation that need re-strategizing in terms of ICT.

The PS noted that World Bank Report indicate that 10% increase in broadband penetration in Kenya led to 1.2 percent growth in GDP.  He explained that the 2012 International Telecommunications Union (ITU) report demonstrated benefits of broad band to the environment as 10 per cent penetration during the period resulted in 5% reduction in green-house emission.

The four-day Conference, is attended by telecoms and ICT experts from Africa is a preparatory meeting for the World Radio Conference to be held in Nairobi in 2019. Among those in attendance are ATU secretary General Mr. Abdulkarim Soumaila and ITU Radio Communications Bureau representative, Mr. Philippe Aubineua.
