BY  Philip Rutto

Department of Public communications

County Governments have been advised to invest in ICT system in all their departments so as to improve in their revenue collections and fiscal prudence.

Addressing ICT delegates from all the 47 Counties   at Bomas of Kenya during Connected Kenya Summit, Mr Joseph Irungu  Ict Director  at the Commission of Revenue of  allocation(CRA)  call upon the devolved  units  not to concentrate only  on  automation of finance departments.

“ICT systems are universal applicable that which works in the finance offices can also be used in the records registries”. He advised.

He said all Counties who have set up working ict systems have seen sharp revenue collections and prudence in financial management.

The Ict director  disclosed that  only 32 counties have  tried  use the Ict systems  while  15  counties  are yet to  utilize the  technology in  their  service delivery.” 32 Counties have attempted 15 have not.’’ He told the Participants.

He attributed the low usage of Ict in service delivery at the County level   to low or no budget allocations and non-professionalism in term of personnel.

Others who addressed the meeting are Icta ag. CEO Mr.  John Sergon, Eng Dan Obam board chair, National Communication Secretariat, With ICT CS Mr. Joe Mucheru and his two PSs expected   to deliver their presentations before the summit end on Wedensday 24.