August 16, 2018

Kenya and South Africa plan to enter into a memorandum of understanding (MOU)  that will enable the two countries collaborate on the development of innovations and expansion of ICT infrastructure.

Cabinet Secretary for ICT Mr. Joe Mucheru and the South Africa Deputy Minister for Telecommunication and Postal services Ms Stella Tembisa Ndabeni stressed that it is important for the two countries to come up with a frame work to actualize ICT development and growth in the two states.

Mr Mucheru and Ms Ndabeni said the MOU agenda was initiated following a meeting in South Africa by heads of state of the two countries who concurred on the need to develop a close working relations to fast track development of digitization in both countries.

The two Cabinet Ministers said the MOU was being put together by technocrats and would be ratified as soon as it is completed pointing out that the document will provide a roadmap on areas of collaboration. They stressed on the importance of African states to collaborate and work together towards the growth of the digital economy that will benefit people of the continent.

The two Cabinet Ministers said it was also important for leaders of the continent to adopt a common approach in the elective positions to different global bodies. They noted that African states should reach a consensus when identifying candidates for positions to enhances chances of leaders from the continent being elected to international Associations and other bodies.