The Ministry of Information, Communications and Technology through its taskforce on Distributed Ledgers and Artificial Intelligence is exploring and analyzing upcoming digital technologies that demonstrate great potential to transform Kenya’s economy.

We will be engaging innovators, experts, institutions and any other interested parties in the aforementioned technologies that submitted presentations to the taskforce form 17th -19th April, 2-18.

The schedule of presentations is as follows:

DATE TIME Venue Presenters
17th April, 2018 8.30 am -4.00pm Teleposta, Towers, 10th Floor Karithi, Kelvin

Kevin Kamara (Wednesday)

Samuel Kinyanjui

ALI Athman

Anthony Karimi Muthungu

Arif Khan

Gladys Mogaka Esq (US)

Jason Eisen

Charles Gichobi

Kevin Kinyua

Joseph Kongoro

Sammy Chepkwony/Mwenda Raini Mugendi

18th April, 2018 8.30 am -4.00pm GSMA Offices, Delta Towers (Annex) Dr. Judy Gichoya

Betty Waitherero

Afrikoin Crypto

Andrew Mugoya

Eliza Mwashuma

lucy njuguna

George Maina Mwangi

Leonard Wakoli

Robert Kingori

Amos Mburu

Mike Okiri

Lenin Sembo Oyuga

Mike Onyango

Ezekiel Macharia

Ali Hussein

Edward Ndichu

Alex Mbatha

Kevin Kinyua

Alex Muriuki

Seven Seas

19th April, 2018 8.30am -4.00pm GSMA Offices, Delta Towers (Annex) Robert Muthuri

Joshua Nyaga

Felix Oredo

Ashish Anand

Alex Muriuki

Bert Altmans –Oracle

Mwangi Kabiru

James Wahome

Kimathi, Edwin

Kyalo Muambi

Alia Ammar

Ferdinand Wandera

Jon Rwaga

Samera Merajdin

Evans Mwaura Githua

Benn Man

Olle Kaidro

Margaret Oyugi

Daniel Kibet


John Waibochi

June Arunga Kimani

Ashish Anand


Virtual Presentations

Date Presenters
19th April 2018 Arif Khan

Mike Kapoor

Tunde Ladipo

Athman Ali

Naomi Synman

Freytsis Maria

*Judy Wawira

 Note:  The Task force shall engage with all stakeholders and the dates will be communicated in due course.