Cabinet Secretary for ICT Joe has challenged religious organizations to use traditional and social media platforms to disseminate information that transform the society.

Observing that content that promote good values and customs in the society was lacking in the  media, Mr Mucheru challenged churches to use digital platforms to counter  inaccurate and misleading information peddled in the platforms that are likely to destroy the fabrics of the society.

Speaking at the St. Andrews Church in Nairobi during the Presbyterian Church of East Africa (PCEA) General Assembly, Mr Mucheru   said the Churches should set up media stations and install WiFi infrastructure to enable the public access information for decision-making.

Mr Mucheru challenged churches to state their stance in national debates on contentious issues to provide moral direction and promote good leadership in the society. He said, through the use of the media, the clergy can articulate leadership messages that transform societies.

The Cabinet Secretary said the government would collaborate with churches to facilitate implementation of the Big Four Agenda to facilitate development and improve on standards.

PCEA Moderator, Right Reverend Julius Quantai Mwamba pledged the Church’s support to promote food security, affordable housing, Manufacturing and attainment of universal health care.

Commenting on increased cases of vices among the youth and unrest in institutions of higher learning, Rev. Mwamba said there is need to integrate pastoral programs in primary school curriculum to nurture good values and integrity   among students.

Rev. Mwamba commended the recent meeting between the head of state and leaders of the National Super Alliance as a step in the right direction that would heal the country after last year’s  contentious General Election.